Founded in 1954
Same-Business-Day Inquiry Responses
No Experience Needed
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The Boilermakers Local 107 union apprenticeship program is 4 years of training and schooling. The apprenticeship is comprised of 5 weeks of schooling each year spread out throughout the year for additional training, which is mostly hands-on training, along with some classroom work.
Hourly pay for boilermakers typically starts at $31 an hour along with pay increases until you reach full pay. Call us today and join our welding apprenticeship in WI to get started.
Boilermakers Local 107 provides workers for industrial facilities throughout the state of Wisconsin. Contact us today to join our union apprenticeship program and learn more about our different jobs, contractor list, or different plants we provide work for.
There are many benefits of being in a union, including the ones below.
-Strength in numbers
-Employment protection
-Better and safer working conditions
Contact us today to join the welding apprenticeship WI counts on.
No experience is needed. If you have welding experience, then it can help you progress faster but it's not necessary. Our union apprenticeship program will fully prepare you for your boilermaker career.
We make sure to keep our contracts up to date with inflation. This is just one of the various reasons we're the welding apprenticeship WI appreciates.
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